The privacy concern is always a important part of people's life on Facebook.World wide there are more than 1.49 billion monthly active users on Facebook, which is a 13% increase year over year(as per 2015).The figure itself shows how rapidly Facebook is growing year after year and how along with increasing figures,the privacy concern are getting more popular.
So,lets have a look on privacy setting and how its works-
The advanced privacy option-
Who can see my stuff? In this section you will get three options as-
1) Public- If you are making it as public visibility then your future posts will be seen by your Facebook friends along with non Facebook friends.
2) Friends- If you are making it as friends visibility then your future posts will be viewed by just your Facebook friends not an outsider.
3) Only me- In this case the privacy is all yours,no one else could see your post,leaving you.
4) Custom- In custom setting you can manage your own setting.In this case you will get two options-
Share with- Here you can choose any of your particular friends with whom you want to share your future posts.Here is one more option called 'friends of tag' where the post you share will be visible to them when you will tag them,and even this option is a optional one you can untick the box,if you don't want to see them.
Don't share with- Any one you include here or have on your restricted list won't be able to see the posts unless you tag them.Facebook don't let people know when you choose to not share something with them.
Who can contact me? In this section you will get two options as-
1) Everyone- If you are choosing this part,then any one having an account on Facebook can send you friend request,messages.
2) Friends of friends- In this section your friends,friends can send you friend request or can contact you,not the whole public.
Who can look me up?
Who can look you up using the E-mail address you provided?
E-mail is a good option on Facebook to search people,it is a more easy and convenient way of searching your friends.This section is all about a person who can search you through your E-mail address provided on your Facebook.But here also you will get three options as- Everyone,Friends of friends and Friends.So its all your choice,which one to go for.
Who can look you up using the phone number you provided-
On Facebook we have an option of providing our phone numbers in order to be more secured on Facebook.This section allows you to share your phone number with whom you desire.Here too we are having three options you can go according to your wish.
They are-Everyone,Friends of friends and friends.
Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile-
If you want yourself to be searched on other search engines other than Facebook,than you can definitely tick the yes button.Here other search engines includes Google,Bing,Yahoo etc.
Now the privacy part is done,now lets come to the-
Timeline and tagging section
From timeline and tagging setting we can control exactly who sees what on your timeline,who can post to your timeline and who can tag you in posts and photos.
Now lets discuss the settings one by one-
Who can add things to my timeline?
Who can post on your timeline? In this section by default it is set to friends, and the only one option left is only me i.e you your self.
Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline? If you are concerned about getting tagged in a photo that you don't want your friends to see,this is the setting for you.Once enabled, you'll have to manually approve any photo or posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline.
Note- This only affects your timeline,those updates will still appear on searches,news feed and other places unless you un-tag yourself.
Who can see things on my timeline?
Review what other people see on your timeline- This is a perfect way to check that your mother or boss won't see what you don't want them to.This tool allows you to see what your timeline looks like to friends or public.
Who can see posts you've been tagged in on your timeline?- This section has a lot of options ranging from Everyone, Friends of friends, Friends, Only me and Custom.You can choose accordingly.
Who can see what others posts on your timeline?
Here also you will get the same options as we mentioned above ranging from Everyone, Friends of friends, Friends,Only me and Custom.
How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?
Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook?
This is an important option if you are concerned about a photo popping up on your timeline.This applies only to photo tagging by your friends on Facebook.You will always be notified if someone who is not your friend on Facebook tags you in a photo.
When you're tagged in a post,who do you want to add to the audience if they aren't already in it?
This one sounds more complicated than it is.Often a Facebook friend of your's will make a post and tag you in it.The option here allows all of your Facebook friends to see an update or photo you've been tagged in by someone they aren't friends with themselves(the friends of friends function).You can choose to remain tagged but have none of your other Facebook friends see that update,limit who sees that update to certain groups of friends,or you can block certain friends altogether by using the custom option.
Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?
Facebook uses face matching-technology to suggest who you should tag in photos.It will only suggest people that are on the user's friend list.If you don't want to show up as an option when your friends are tagging photos,set this to No one.
Manage blocking
Restricted list
If you don't want to un-friend someone but also don't want them to see all of your information,you can add them to the restricted list.This means they can see your public information,but they have no way of knowing you've limited their view(unless they happen to see someone browsing your profile who isn't restricted).
Block users
Here you can straight up block somebody.This means this person cannot be your friend.This is an excellent setting if you have strangers or other people consistently bothering you.
Note- This doesn't stop them from interacting with you in apps,games,groups you're both a part of.
Block messages
When you block messages from someone,they'll no longer be able to contact you (ex.-send you messages,call you) in messenger or in Facebook chat. You'll also no longer be able to contact them in messenger or in Facebook chat.
Block app invites
In addition to blocking and restricting people from your profile,you can also block app invitations on a user by user basis. So if a friend of your's is bombarding you with farm ville apps.You know what to do.
Block event invites
Tired of getting invitation for a event from your friends,just put his/her name in the blocking box and no invitation for a event any more.
Block apps
Some games and apps are really fun in the beginning,but after a while,you want to drop them.You can remove the app or games( see the app you use section, below) or block the app, which means it can no longer contact you or get non-public information about you through Facebook.If you are getting e-mails regarding that game,than just unsubscribe by going to the bottom part of your e-mail.
Block pages
This will remove all notifications and functionality with a Facebook page whether it is a business page or a celebrity page.
Customize app privacy
You handled a lot of this with the privacy check up,but in the setting section there is additional controls for the Facebook apps you use.
App settings
If you haven't already, you can click on each app and change who can see the updates they put on your timeline or disable them altogether.
Apps, websites and plugins
Disabling this option means not only will all apps working with your account stop working, but you won't be able to log in to websites and other third party sites with your Facebook account.
Apps others use
When your Facebook friends use certain app,those apps access your public information and more.See a full list in the image above.
There's quite a bit you may not be comfortable sharing without your knowledge. Most of it is enabled by default. Be sure to go through the list and check off what you don't want shared.
Thank you and don't forget to share with your friends.
So,lets have a look on privacy setting and how its works-
The advanced privacy option-
Who can see my stuff? In this section you will get three options as-
1) Public- If you are making it as public visibility then your future posts will be seen by your Facebook friends along with non Facebook friends.
2) Friends- If you are making it as friends visibility then your future posts will be viewed by just your Facebook friends not an outsider.
3) Only me- In this case the privacy is all yours,no one else could see your post,leaving you.
4) Custom- In custom setting you can manage your own setting.In this case you will get two options-
Share with- Here you can choose any of your particular friends with whom you want to share your future posts.Here is one more option called 'friends of tag' where the post you share will be visible to them when you will tag them,and even this option is a optional one you can untick the box,if you don't want to see them.
Don't share with- Any one you include here or have on your restricted list won't be able to see the posts unless you tag them.Facebook don't let people know when you choose to not share something with them.
Who can contact me? In this section you will get two options as-
1) Everyone- If you are choosing this part,then any one having an account on Facebook can send you friend request,messages.
2) Friends of friends- In this section your friends,friends can send you friend request or can contact you,not the whole public.
Who can look me up?
Who can look you up using the E-mail address you provided?
E-mail is a good option on Facebook to search people,it is a more easy and convenient way of searching your friends.This section is all about a person who can search you through your E-mail address provided on your Facebook.But here also you will get three options as- Everyone,Friends of friends and Friends.So its all your choice,which one to go for.
Who can look you up using the phone number you provided-
On Facebook we have an option of providing our phone numbers in order to be more secured on Facebook.This section allows you to share your phone number with whom you desire.Here too we are having three options you can go according to your wish.
They are-Everyone,Friends of friends and friends.
Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile-
If you want yourself to be searched on other search engines other than Facebook,than you can definitely tick the yes button.Here other search engines includes Google,Bing,Yahoo etc.
Now the privacy part is done,now lets come to the-
Timeline and tagging section
From timeline and tagging setting we can control exactly who sees what on your timeline,who can post to your timeline and who can tag you in posts and photos.
Now lets discuss the settings one by one-
Who can add things to my timeline?
Who can post on your timeline? In this section by default it is set to friends, and the only one option left is only me i.e you your self.
Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline? If you are concerned about getting tagged in a photo that you don't want your friends to see,this is the setting for you.Once enabled, you'll have to manually approve any photo or posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline.
Note- This only affects your timeline,those updates will still appear on searches,news feed and other places unless you un-tag yourself.
Who can see things on my timeline?
Review what other people see on your timeline- This is a perfect way to check that your mother or boss won't see what you don't want them to.This tool allows you to see what your timeline looks like to friends or public.
Who can see posts you've been tagged in on your timeline?- This section has a lot of options ranging from Everyone, Friends of friends, Friends, Only me and Custom.You can choose accordingly.
Who can see what others posts on your timeline?
Here also you will get the same options as we mentioned above ranging from Everyone, Friends of friends, Friends,Only me and Custom.
How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?
Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook?
This is an important option if you are concerned about a photo popping up on your timeline.This applies only to photo tagging by your friends on Facebook.You will always be notified if someone who is not your friend on Facebook tags you in a photo.
When you're tagged in a post,who do you want to add to the audience if they aren't already in it?
This one sounds more complicated than it is.Often a Facebook friend of your's will make a post and tag you in it.The option here allows all of your Facebook friends to see an update or photo you've been tagged in by someone they aren't friends with themselves(the friends of friends function).You can choose to remain tagged but have none of your other Facebook friends see that update,limit who sees that update to certain groups of friends,or you can block certain friends altogether by using the custom option.
Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?
Facebook uses face matching-technology to suggest who you should tag in photos.It will only suggest people that are on the user's friend list.If you don't want to show up as an option when your friends are tagging photos,set this to No one.
Manage blocking
Restricted list
If you don't want to un-friend someone but also don't want them to see all of your information,you can add them to the restricted list.This means they can see your public information,but they have no way of knowing you've limited their view(unless they happen to see someone browsing your profile who isn't restricted).
Block users
Here you can straight up block somebody.This means this person cannot be your friend.This is an excellent setting if you have strangers or other people consistently bothering you.
Note- This doesn't stop them from interacting with you in apps,games,groups you're both a part of.
Block messages
When you block messages from someone,they'll no longer be able to contact you (ex.-send you messages,call you) in messenger or in Facebook chat. You'll also no longer be able to contact them in messenger or in Facebook chat.
Block app invites
In addition to blocking and restricting people from your profile,you can also block app invitations on a user by user basis. So if a friend of your's is bombarding you with farm ville apps.You know what to do.
Block event invites
Tired of getting invitation for a event from your friends,just put his/her name in the blocking box and no invitation for a event any more.
Block apps
Some games and apps are really fun in the beginning,but after a while,you want to drop them.You can remove the app or games( see the app you use section, below) or block the app, which means it can no longer contact you or get non-public information about you through Facebook.If you are getting e-mails regarding that game,than just unsubscribe by going to the bottom part of your e-mail.
Block pages
This will remove all notifications and functionality with a Facebook page whether it is a business page or a celebrity page.
You handled a lot of this with the privacy check up,but in the setting section there is additional controls for the Facebook apps you use.
App settings
If you haven't already, you can click on each app and change who can see the updates they put on your timeline or disable them altogether.
Apps, websites and plugins
Disabling this option means not only will all apps working with your account stop working, but you won't be able to log in to websites and other third party sites with your Facebook account.
Apps others use
When your Facebook friends use certain app,those apps access your public information and more.See a full list in the image above.
There's quite a bit you may not be comfortable sharing without your knowledge. Most of it is enabled by default. Be sure to go through the list and check off what you don't want shared.
Thank you and don't forget to share with your friends.
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